Reeves™ Single, 2-Lane and 3-Lane lightweight Decontamination Systems use state-of-the-art shelter and decon technology to ensure thorough NBC decontamination for a maximum number of patients in a minimum amount of time.
Reeves™ Decontamination Units
Most Reeves™ Decon Systems use patented Responder Series Shelters, which deploy in any terrain and can withstand extreme weather and temperature conditions. Deployed or taken down by only 2-4 personnel within a matter of minutes without the need for special tools or dealing with loose parts, the lightweight decontamination systems are based on the patented Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter (DRASH™), a free-standing, self-supporting structure that requires no power or air to erect. Its state-of-the-art, rugged design allows the shelter the ability to withstand winds, temperature and the elements. Each lightweight decontamination system comes standard with a transport-style duffel bag, repair kit, push poles, wind lines and a steel pin stake set.
DHS now also offers a Company Mass Casualty Decontamination System designed for Disaster Response Teams to accommodate a large number of mass casualty patients.
Reeves™ Decontamination Unit Accessories
Reeves™ Decon Systems also come with most basic necessities such as interoperable water heating systems, roller systems, patient tracking materials, lighting and environmental control systems. Larger systems include privacy curtains for separate undress, shower and redress areas. Fully operational system berms contain all water runoff, significantly reducing the chance of cross contamination.