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The Reeves™ brand offers "turn key" shelter solution packages, which include all of the necessary components to provide total shelter solutions during any incident.
Stand Alone Shelters: The Reeves™ brand offers a variety of shelters to fit any incident or command situation. The double-cover insulated DRASH™ C, S, XB, M and J Series shelters are categorized according to width, length and design - with the C being the smallest at 33 square feet and the J being the largest at 1,250 square feet. DRASH™ Responder Series Shelters - a series of single-cover shelters - are also available.
Single, Two Lane and Three Lane Decon Systems use state-of-the-art shelter and decon technology to ensure that systems can provide thorough NBC decontamination for a maximum number of patients in a minimum amount of time.
Medical Surge Facilities provide medical personnel with a rapidly-deployable, rugged, man-portable, climate-controlled, soft-walled shelter in which to expand their existing bed capacities in response to a disaster or any emergency situation.
Fatality Management Centers provide response personnel with a fully operational rapidly-deployable, rugged, climate-controlled, soft-walled shelter system that serves as a temporary location in the field for the identification, processing, storage and viewing of casualties following a disaster or emergency.
Casualty Collection Points provide emergency personnel with a fully operational rapidly-deployable, rugged, climate-controlled, soft-walled shelter system in which to administer emergency field treatment to victims of disasters or trauma.
The Reeves™ Mobile Field Shower System makes it possible to establish shower facilities anywhere, any time.
Incident Command Posts provide response personnel with a fully operational rapidly-deployable, rugged, climate-controlled, soft-walled shelter system from which an incident commander can assign and direct rescue and relief efforts from the field during an emergency or crisis.
Life Support Areas provide response personnel with a fully operational rapidly-deployable, rugged, climate-controlled, soft-walled shelter system that serves as temporary housing in the field during any emergency or crisis.
Outdoor Patient Isolation Systems fuse state-of-the-art military shelter technology with a technologically superior combination HEPA filtration and HVAC unit to form a portable, all-weather solution to biological outbreak isolation.
The Mobile Vaccination System provides medical and public health personnel with 442 square feet of usable space from which to administer seasonal vaccinations or vaccinations during a pandemic or other widespread outbreak.