Reeves products and services are used throughout the United States in many different applications and situations. The following case studies and white papers represent how Reeves products can and have helped solve the challenges facing customers.
It Could Happen Again
How New Orleans is using the DRASH shelter to get ready for future emergency events.
Seeking Shelter
A case study on how the State of Connecticut prepared its Department of Public Health to handle a large-scale disaster event.
Creating Flexible Mobile Facilities Through the Use of Intelligent Power Technology
From natural disasters to pandemic outbreaks, today’s emergency responders must be ready for anything. It is equally critical that they have facilities from which they can run operations that are as mobile and flexible as they are.
Facilitating Pandemic Response with Mobile Facilities
For many departments, the answer to controlling a widespread incident is mobile facilities. Transportable and flexible, these facilities ensure that agencies can respond to a health crisis no matter where, or when it occurs.
Bridging the Gap Between Response Agencies Through the Use of Interoperable Systems
During an emergency communication is crucial. Enter interoperable communications systems – equipment which allows responders from all agencies, regardless of hardware, to communicate effectively during a critical situation.