Building a Shelter Solution
HDT Global's Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter (DRASH) Systems are internationally recognized as an exceptional integration of shelter, utilities, electronic communications and tactical mobility. Combined together, DRASH is the leader in mobile shelter innovations, incorporating all of its products to create multiple applications such as mobile decontamination systems, casualty collection points, emergency operations centers, incident command posts, fatality management centers or virtually anything you can think of that requires a mobile shelter solution.
Building a DRASH facility is easy. The solution approach allows you to work closely with one of our representatives to create a seamless shelter system designed to meet your organization's requirements. To begin the process, contact a DRASH representative at 877-GO-DRASH or at drash@drash.com.
Once you have placed your order, you will have access to 24/7 customer service, technical support and product information via phone, email or on location. You also have the option of ordering continuous product and technical support through DRASH Support.