Reeves products are deployed by emergency responders around the world, including the U.S. Military; state, county and local government entities; and U.S. and international corporate agencies. Listed below are a few recent deployments that have made the news:
Floods in Brazil
Brazilian Army, June 2010
The Brazilian Army set up a DRASH field hospital to treat flood victims and prevent the spread of disease after heavy flooding slammed the country in June 2010. See Media Coverage.
Pasadena Marathon
Kaiser Permanente, February 2010
On February 21, 2010, Kaiser Permanente, the largest not-for-profit health plan in the United States, unveiled its new DRASH medical surge facility at the 2010 Pasadena Marathon in California. See Press Release.
Power Plant Explosion in Connecticut
Connecticut Department of Public Health, February 2010
On February 7, 2010, personnel from Middletown’s Office of Emergency Management and the state’s Department of Public Health set up two DRASH XB Series Shelters to support search and rescue efforts after an explosion at the Kleen Energy Systems plant in Middletown, Connecticut killed five workers and left many more injured. See Press Release.
Haiti Earthquake Relief
U.S. Military, January 2010
Several U.S. military units brought SICPS TMSS Systems and other DRASH shelters and support equipment to support relief efforts in Haiti following the massive earthquake that devastated the country on January 12, 2010. See Press Release.
JTF-Bravo Mobile Surgical Team Exercise
JTF Bravo, December 2009
On December 10, 2009, Joint Task Force-Bravo’s Mobile Surgical Team treated several “patients” during a training exercise at Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras. During the exercise, members of the team set up DRASH Shelters as mobile field hospitals, complete with all the medical equipment needed to treat patients from the field. See Media Coverage.
Flood in Rio de Janeiro
Brazilian Civil Defense Forces, November 2009
With many residents in desperate need of medical care after heavy rains slammed the country’s southeastern region, Brazilian civilian defense forces set up a DRASH medical clinic in Belford Roxo, a town about 45 minutes away from Rio de Janeiro’s metro area. See Press Release.
Aurora Mass Casualty Exercise
Community College of Aurora, November 2009
Several DRASH Shelters were deployed during a mass casualty exercise organized by the school’s Center of Simulation and the University of Colorado to assess how well the state’s various response agencies are prepared to work together during a large-scale emergency. See Press Release.
H1N1 Pandemic
Madison County Health Department, November 2009
On November 4th, the Madison County Health Department in Indiana set up two DRASH Shelters as part of a drive-thru H1N1 vaccination clinic. See Press Release.
Dell Children's Medical Center, September 2009
Two DRASH MX Shelters were deployed as medical surge facilities by Dell Children's Medical Center in Austin, Texas to treat an influx of patients during the H1N1 pandemic. See Press Release.
Lawrence & Martin Memorial Hospital Fire
Connecticut Department of Health, August 2009
On August 11, 2009 a two alarm transformer fire broke out at Lawrence & Martin Memorial Hospital in New London, Connecticut. During the incident, DRASH ECUs cooled the hospital’s emergency department, allowing hospital staff to use the space as a temporary holding area for patients evacuated from other parts of the building. See Press Release.
Ground Zero Drill
NYC First Responders, May 2009
On Sunday, May 17, 2009, more than 800 firefighters, police officers and other first responders took part in a simulated terrorist attack near the World Trade Center site in New York City. Responders utilized Reeves patient movement equipment throughout the drill. See Press Release.
Alabama Communications Event
Alabama Department of Homeland Security, May 2009
During the four-day exercise a Reeves Incident Command Post (ICP) Trailer were deployed throughout the event site to collect information at the scene. Once gathered, feeds of information were then transported to a DRASH Command Center nearby. See Press Release.
New York City’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) Training Event
NYC OCME, April 2009
During the week of April 27, 2009, New York City’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) took part in a joint training event alongside members of the Air National Guard Fatality Search and Recovery Team (FSRT). Personnel performed operations in several Reeves Shelter Systems purchased by the OCME in 2007, including a Decedent Decontamination/Isolation Collection Point (DD/ICP) Negative Pressure Isolation-Autopsy Suite and a 249 square foot DRASH Command and Control Center. See Press Release.
Brazil’s Department of Health and Civil Defense, February 2009
Outfitted with state-of-the-art striker beds, monitors and fibulators, a DRASH TMSS Medium System was deployed near the entrance of the Sambódromo to treat performers suffering from such ailments as heat exhaustion. See Press Release.
"A Salute to all of Connecticut’s Veterans”
Connecticut’s Department of Public Health, October 2008
Throughout "A Salute to all of Connecticut’s Veterans,” a three day air show organized by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, personnel used a Reeves ICP and 6XBI and 6XB DRASH shelters to better communicate with one another and offer the space needed to treat any medical incidents. See Press Release.
Drive-Thru Vaccination Clinic
Champaign-Urbana Public Health District, October 2008
On Wednesday, October 8, the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District in Champaign, Illinois used a DRASH M Series Shelter as a drive through flu vaccination clinic during its annual vaccination event.. See Press Release.
Hurricane Gustav
City of New Orleans, September 2008
As part of the City of New Orleans’ Office of Emergency Preparedness response effort, the City deployed DRASH systems to various parts of the city. See Press Release.
South Orangetown Ambulance Corps Drill
New York South Orangetown Ambulance Corps (SOAC), May 2008
A DRASH S Series Shelter was used for fire rehab during the exercise held by New York South Orangetown Ambulance Corps in Sparkill, NY. See Photo Album.
Mardi Gras Urgent Care Clinics
City of New Orleans, February 2008 and 2009
Reeves' quickly-deployable DRASH shelter systems are deployed as urgent and medical care clinics during the week leading up to the 2008 New Orleans Mardi Gras celebrations. See Media Coverage.
California Wildfires
National Guard, October 2007
Reeves' quickly-deployable DRASH shelter systems acted as headquarter facilities, grievance shelters and security hubs for the National Guard during a massive wildfire event in San Diego County, California that consumed more than 516,000 acres.
National Guard, October 2007
National Guard uses Reeves decontamination systems during one of the country's biggest terrorism exercises to be staged nationally.
Simulated Explosion at Penn Station
NYC Office of the Medical Examiner, August 2007
NYC OCME supplies its 249 square foot Reeves mobile incident command post for a midnight multi-agency exercise in Penn Station that assesses how well the city would respond to a terrorist incident within NYC's train system. In addition to the command post, the NY OCME owns a 97' 10" long Reeves mobile field mortuary to use for evidence collection, DNA collection, identification, decontamination, quality assurance and release. The Office also purchased a Reeves Outdoor Patient Isolation System to use as a biologically secure autopsy suite.
Red Dragon Exercise
Army Reserve, August 2006 and August 2007
Reeves decontamination systems are used during a joint military and civilian exercise to simulate and evaluate the Army Reserve's readiness to handle a catastrophe of a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and CBRNE nature.
Pandemic Flu Exercise
San Bernardino County, California, July 2007
Emergency response workers from more than a dozen agencies and ten different hospitals gather at California State University San Bernardino to stage a county-wide disaster drill featuring Reeves quickly-deployable DRASH mobile emergency treatment shelters.
FDNY Rescue
New York Fire Department, May 2007
FDNY rescue workers successfully used the Reeves Sleeve to extricate a victim from a narrow 3 x 6 space when a sidewalk grating gave way in Manhattan. The 26-year old woman fell just 15 inches away from steel wires carrying 13,000 volts of electricity. See News 11 Broadcast.
Team Yankee Disaster Simulation
Connecticut Department of Public Health, May 2007
Medical Specialists from Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island hold a hurricane simulation exercise called Team Yankee utilizing Connecticut's quickly-deployable DRASH 100-bed mobile field hospital. The hospital provides bed surge capacity, isolation capacity and an emergency/disaster medicine training facility for both the civilian and military healthcare delivery workforce. See Local Media Coverage.
Pakistan Relief Efforts
NYC Medics, January 2006
In early 2006, NYC Medics, a not-for-profit organization of volunteer physicians and paramedics brought three Reeves quickly-deployable DRASH 6XB shelters to Northern Pakistan to use as hospital facilities in the wake of the 2005 South Asian Earthquake. See Media Coverage in People Magazine.