This self-contained, portable DRASH 3.5-Ton Environmental Control Unit (ECU) offers air conditioning, area cooling and portable heating all in one easy-to-use package.
This self-contained, portable DRASH 5-Ton Environmental Control Unit (ECU) offers air conditioning, area cooling and portable heating all in one easy-to-use package.
The D-1000B Heater is rugged, lightweight, rust resistant, shock proof and easy to operate and maintain, providing nearly 112,000 BTUs/hr of dry, clean heat at a rate of 1,020 CFMs.
The DRASHLITE is used as a rugged, rust-resistant, rain-tight strip light for DRASH shelters.
The DRASH Power Distribution Unit (PDU) is a safe, weather proof, man-portable method to distribute power to branch circuits, utility extension cords and lighting fixtures in shelters, vehicles and vehicle configurations requiring electrical power.