Download the following Reeves brochures for a complete overview of the brand and its products. You may also request a hard copy by contacting Reeves directly via email or phone (800.328.5563).
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Company & Product Overview
Find out more about Reeves products and about the company. This introductory brochure covers everything from company and deployment history to products and support.
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Shelter Systems
From emergency operations systems to medical surge facilities to patient isolation systems, Reeves Shelter Systems and support equipment provide total shelter solutions during any incident.
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Decontamination Systems
Reeves decontamination shelter systems and accessories include the latest in cutting edge NBC decontamination equipment and products. Specifications and product details are included with each product entry.
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Stretchers & Immobilization
Learn about Reeves Flexible Stretchers, the Reeves Sleeve, specialty stretchers, litters and mortuary products. Specifications and product details are included with each product entry.
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Reeves Sleeve Manual
Learn how to use and maintain your Reeves Sleeve.
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Gear Bags
Ranging from local fire, EMS and police departments to industrial organizations such as 3M, Reeves offers a variety of tactical gear bags to fit any emergency situation. Specifications and product details are included with each product entry.
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First introduced in 2005, Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter (DRASH) Deployable Command and Control Equipment (DC2E) was developed to solve the information management problems facing today’s incident commander. Specifications and product details are included with each product entry.
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