When a pandemic strikes, emergency responders and organizations need to be prepared to care for victims while protecting the public from further outbreak. Isolation of infected patients is crucial and surge facilities must be in place to expand response efforts. Reeves™ shelter systems, stretchers, emergency bedding and fatality management products provide you, the responder, with the tools needed to handle any public health emergency.
Browse through our full line of products specifically geared for pandemic response.
For more information, contact a knowledgeable business development representative.
Medical Surge Facilities
As a health crisis spreads, these rapidly-deployable surge facilities allow medical personnel to expand their existing bed capacities.
Reeves™ Medical Surge Facilities were recently used by Dell Children's Medical Center in Austin, Texas to help treat an influx of flu patients. See news coverage.
Casualty Collection Points
Rapidly-deployable shelter systems in which to administer emergency field treatment or supplies to victims during a health emergency. Optional open-ended design can be used as a mobile inoculation center.
Outdoor Patient Isolation Systems
Isolation systems that fuse state-of-the-art military shelter technology with HEPA filtration to form a portable, all-weather solution when patient isolation is critical.
Incident Camps
Reeves™ Incident Camps offer emergency personnel secure housing while treating patients in the field.
Emergency Bedding and Supplies
Whether its cots, blankets, pillows or towels, these supplies can be used in isolation and medical surge facilities, as well as incident camps.
Patient Movement Equipment
From flexible stretchers to patient immobilization equipment, these stretchers, spine boards, and body covers allow personnel to extricate and transport patients.
Fatality Management Centers
Reeves™ Fatality Management Centers serve as a temporary location in the field for the identification, processing, storage and viewing of casualties following an outbreak.